Румынский храм свв. апостолов Петра и Павла (Дирборн-Хайтс)
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- Румынский храм свв. апостолов Петра и Павла (Дирборн-Хайтс)
Saints Peter & Paul Romanian Orthodox Church is a parish under the jurisdiction of The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America, headquartered in Detroit/Jackson, Michigan, having as its ruling hierarch His Eminence, Archbishop NATHANIEL (Popp). The current parish membership lists almost 400 dues-paying adults, but the parish ministers to a larger Romanian Orthodox community including children and non-committed communicants, visitors, etc. The parish is made-up of both American and Romanian born Orthodox Christians, which deems it necessary that the life of the parish is a bi-lingual one. However, special care is given to the realization that our practices and culture must, in some ways, adapt themselves to the American environment in order for us to have a greater impact on our community and future generations.
Saints Peter & Paul Romanian Orthodox Church
750 North Beech Daly Road
Dearborn Heights, Michigan 48127-3459
OFFICE — (313) 274 9651
HALL — (313) 274 9650
FAX — (313) 274 9640
HALL RENTAL/CATERING — (313) 590 2473
Источник: www.spproc.org