священник Даниил Сысоев

"И разумные будут сиять, как светила на тверди, и обратившие многих к правде – как звезды, вовеки, навсегда" (Дан.12:3)

Храм Пресвятой Девы Марии (Чамберсберг)

Храм Пресвятой Девы Марии (Чамберсберг)

St Mary is, first and formost, an Orthodox Church. Organized in August 1995, with its first Divine Liturgy September 15, 1995, it is the only Orthodox Church in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, and serves the entire community, without regard to ethnic background. Our membership includes people of Greek, Russian, Bulgarian, Egyptian, and Iraqi descent, as well as people whose families came from Italy, England, Germany, Slovakia, and Slovenia, and the dates of immigration to what is now the United States range from 1621 to1990.

All of our services are in English, the common language of our members. Since we are affiliated with the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (Metropolitan Philip), our liturgical tradition is Byzantine/Greek. Most of our chant is Byzantine, but with many selections from Russian, Carpatho-Russian, and other traditional orthodox musical traditions. The singing is by the entire congregation, with only leading from a small choir.

We have a full liturgical schedule with Orthtos (Matins) and Liturgy every Sunday, Vespers every Saturday, and Liturgy for all the major feasts. In addition, we have Bible Study every Wednesday, plus Inquirers and Catechumens classes and pre-Baptismal classes as needed.

We are very fortunate in having as our Priest one of the most outstanding Priests of the Antiochian Archdiocese, Fr Theodore Pulcini. Fr Ted studied at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Seminary and has taught as visiting faculty at St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. He is currently on the faculty of Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, where he teaches in the Department of Religion .

2063 Lincoln Way East
(US 30, 2.5 Miles East of I 81)
Telephone 717-267-1387
(Gettysburg 717-642-6395)
