священник Даниил Сысоев

"И разумные будут сиять, как светила на тверди, и обратившие многих к правде – как звезды, вовеки, навсегда" (Дан.12:3)

Храм Архангела Михаила (Колорадо-Спрингс)

Храм Архангела Михаила (Колорадо-Спрингс)
A Short History of
Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church
Colorado Springs, CO

The following is an account of the founding and development of Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado, a parish in the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver.

Following the initial forays into the West by seventeenth century Spanish soldiers, missionaries, pioneers, prospectors, miners, businessmen, farmers, ranchers, and adventurers of all types began coming to Colorado in numbers during the 1800’s. Zebulon Pike and others poured in following the trail of gold and silver deposits to coexist and sometimes displace the Native American Utes and other tribes. Eastern Orthodox Christians were among the settlers, seeking a better way of life for themselves and their families in the West, leaving behind urban centers on the East Coast and arriving from as far away as the Peloponnesus, the Greek Islands, and other areas of Orthodox Christianity. Colorado Springs grew quickly after World War Two as a military hub supporting Ft. Carson Army post, NORAD, and several Air Force bases. The Air Force completed construction of its Academy in 1959. While the city grew, Orthodox Christians had to commute to Denver or Pueblo to enjoy Orthodox fellowship and services. Though St. Constantine and Helen Orthodox Church (OCA) arose in Colorado Springs, there was still a need for a Greek Orthodox Church in the city. In the mid-1990’s, Phillip Yannias, John Topakas, and other local families, spoke with Father (Fr.) Makarios Mannos, a Greek Orthodox monk and priest at St. John the Baptist Church in Pueblo, about the possibility of standing up a church in Colorado Springs for Greek Orthodox families and other interested believers who wanted a parish in their own city. Fr. Makarios then approached Metropolitan Isaiah, Bishop of the Metropolis of Denver about this project. Metropolitan Isaiah approved and blessed the idea for a new parish and then the community began organizing the stand up of a church.

As a temporary measure, the Bishop assigned Fr. Luke Uhl, Chancellor of the Metropolis of Denver, as a part-time priest to the city of Colorado Springs. Fr. Luke served the first Divine Liturgy on August 17, 1997. Several churches showed ecumenical largesse by offering space for meetings during the beginnings in 1997. Fr. Anthony Karbo of St. Constantine and Helen Orthodox Church, allowed parishioners to meet at his church. Members also held meetings at Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church in Old Colorado City. Phil Yannias lent people the use of his consignment store on occasion and members later rented the second floor of a store on Galley Road for services. With the help of Fr. Mark Leondis, Youth Director of the Denver Metropolis (at that time), and Fr. Stephen Powley, from southern Colorado, the priests alternated in conducting services with the church membership and chose the name of Archangel Michael for the parish. Archangel Michael’s celestial reach resonated, recognizing the influence of the Air Force and the flying community in the area. Throughout the planning stages, members also met at Jake and Telly’s Restaurant, of the Topakas family, which served as a community meeting place, in true Greek fashion.

Purchase and Development of the Parish Proporty
Fortuitously, a property became available that fit the needs of the congregation in search of a home. King Solomon Baptist Church was offered for $250,000 with a $60,000 down payment up front. Members scrambled to raise the money and secured the building in short time. Mr. Peter Yannias got pews and other equipment from an uncle in Denver. Sam Marzarvas, a carpenter and furniture maker, helped to re-work the pews and fit them into the newly acquired church. Others helped Sam renovate the building, construct an icon screen, build steps up to the altar, replace lights, install a chandelier, and complete numerous essential construction projects as the team converted a Baptist building into a Greek Orthodox house of worship. Fr. Mark continued to teach religious education by teaching hymns to the parishioners while working with Peter Yannias who was a Reader.

Parish Priest

Throughout the process of finding a property and raising the funds, several priests, some already mentioned, worked hard to realize the dream of establishing a new parish. Fr. Makarios Mannos, a monk who was serving in Pueblo, CO, at the time, helped with the initial ideas for a church. Fr. Luke Uhl and Fr. Mark Leondis, at the Denver Metropolis, added their support and gave services in Colorado Springs while working at their primary jobs in Denver. His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah approved and supported the plan for a new parish. Fr. Stephen Powley, assigned to provide spiritual guidance to inmates at the Administrative Maximum Facility (ADX) in Florence, Colorado, helped by giving the liturgy and assisting in numerous ways with his wife, over the years. Most recently, Fr. Dennis Schutte and his family arrived from Massachusetts to become the first, full-time priest and serves in that capacity as of this writing, in 2006. The priest’s duties include pastoral care, performing the liturgy every Sunday morning, and training the assistants but also entails providing all manner of religious rites concerning the birth, marriage, and death of parishioners. The priest oversees the Parish Council, Church Adult and Youth Education and post-liturgical coffee hours and meetings. In addition, he performs outreach to shut-ins who are members unable to physically visit the church. Fundraising is another important function and involves myriad activities throughout the year to raise money for the church and the Metropolis. Greek Orthodox priests typically are trained at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, Massachusetts. Parish Council Presidents The priest leads the parish but the Parish Council Presidents, along with the council members, execute the many projects that the church requires to maintain the physical building, raise money, provide adult and youth education, buy religious materials, etc. Leaders of the council of this church have been John Topakas, Phil Yannias, Evan Caracostas, Andy Dabit, and Norm Struck. Council members are voted on and can serve for one or several terms in office.
Women of the church also serve in the administration, supply, and outreach of the church both independently and through the Ladies’ Philoptochos Society. The mission of the society, which has a national chapter, is to aid the poor, sick unemployed, orphaned and imprisoned, handicapped, the widowed, and others in need of help through missions and outreach in the spirit of Orthodoxy. The Society also promotes activities at the parish level with the coordination of the priest and the council.
The church sponsors many activities ranging from adult and youth education to fundraisers. The church set up youth and adult education in the Fall of 2006 while it had organized fundraisers for several years to include manning a food booth at Old Colorado City for Territory Days held on Memorial Day weekend, hosting a charity local golf tournament, and running a Greek Festival with food and dance events at the church.
As of 2006, the church had 55 member families and was growing steadily every year since its inception in 1997. With sustained stewardship support from the membership and ongoing fundraisers, the church achieved financial stability to meet its annual salary and benefits obligations to the priest, and for the basic utilities, maintenance and insurance payments for the physical building. Archangel Michael will continue to grow and serve its community, as well as approved local and national charities, causes and relief efforts in its Christian service.
Written and compiled by Maj. Basil D. Georgiadis, USAF Retired, Ph.D, Department of History, USAFA. April 15, 2006.

2215 Paseo Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
(719) 634-5678
