священник Даниил Сысоев

"И разумные будут сиять, как светила на тверди, и обратившие многих к правде – как звезды, вовеки, навсегда" (Дан.12:3)

Храм святого Афанасия (Лексингтон-Николасвилль)

Храм святого Афанасия (Лексингтон-Николасвилль)

Parish History

In the summer of 1996 mission work began in Wilmore, Kentucky, through a group of Asbury Theological Seminary students led by David and Rozanne Rucker, Protestant evangelicals who had been serving as missionaries for thirteen years. While doing post-graduate work at the seminary, the Ruckers continued their pilgrimage toward Orthodox Christianity, which had started in Hong Kong six years earlier. The mission work in Kentucky was one of four missions in three states founded by Holy Trinity Evangelical Orthodox Church (EOC), in Indianapolis, Indiana (now St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church, OCA). From the outset, these missions were committed to eventually entering into the fullness of the Orthodox Church. It was only a matter of time. In July 1999, the mission moved from meeting in homes to occupying our first rental facility, 956 S. Main Street, located in a retail/office complex on the south side of Nicholasville. We had less than 1200 square feet housing a small chapel, a classroom/nursery, an office, meeting room, and restrooms. In 2002, on the Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple (February 2), the Kentucky mission was received into the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) under the pastoral care of His Eminence Dmitri, Archbishop of Dallas and the South. The sister missions in other states also became part of the OCA. As founder of the parish, David Rucker was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by Archbishop Dmitri on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, June 29, 2002, and subsequently to the Holy Priesthood on All Saints, June 30, 2002.

In September 2002 the mission moved to 926 South Main Street, expanding into 4,000 square feet facing Main Street. God provided nearly three-and-a-half times the space for only twice the rent to accommodate the mission’s growth. This space includes the chapel, multiple classrooms, choir room, parish hall with kitchen facilities, offices, and restrooms. As the first OCA parish in the state of Kentucky, and with a central location in the heart of the Bluegrass Region (greater Lexington area), the parish gratefully received a Church Planting Grant from the Diocese of the South and the national Chancery through the Department of Evangelism. This grant made it possible for Father David to devote himself full time to the new Mission, resulting in a thirty percent growth rate each year since 2002. While no one at St. Athanasius expects this growth to continue at such a pace, they give thanks to God for providing such wonderful “foundation stones” through the lives of adults and children coming into the fullness of the Christian faith through this local parish. Ninety-eight percent of the membership of the parish are coming from traditions and backgrounds not affiliated with the Orthodox Church.

In December of 2004, the Church purchased ten acres of land on the east side of Nicholasville, on Chrisman Mill Road, where future expansion and development is expected. Another 7.5 acres adjoining this property has been bequeathed to the Church through the faith and generosity of a member of the parish. The land includes a large hill (near the highest point in Jessamine County) where, God willing, a beautiful Orthodox Temple will be built. The Church is now in the process of making plans for the development of the entire property, which will include a cemetery and other facilities that will be built in successive stages. The property will overlook the new Eastern Bypass (U.S. 27) around Nicholasville. Construction of the bypass is scheduled to begin in 2007. A potential I-75 connection to this bypass is under study, which could also be in the shadow of this property. Thank you for your interest in the background of St. Athanasius Church! Donations toward the building of the Temple and development of the property are now being received. Your prayers and support are very much appreciated. Designated gifts may be sent directly to the Church, and will be promptly receipted, and of course, used exclusively as designated. Thank you for your prayers on our behalf!

Contact Info
Priest Justin Patterson
926 South Main Street
Lily Springs Center (Edgewood East)
Nicholasville, KY 40356
Church: (859) 881-8144
Cell: (859) 361-2823
