священник Даниил Сысоев

"И разумные будут сиять, как светила на тверди, и обратившие многих к правде – как звезды, вовеки, навсегда" (Дан.12:3)

Храм Христа Спасителя (Вудбери)

Храм Христа Спасителя (Вудбери)

История прихода

The true spirit of Orthodox Christianity has been witnessed in the development and growth of our church community. The following paragraphs give a brief historical account of a few of the many landmark events that have occured over our life in the Lord’s Vineyard. In the Spring of 1991, Bishop Job gave his blessing to Fr Michael Koblosh to reactivate exploration of a Mission Station in Southbury. On June 15, 1991, our first Divine Liturgy was held in the living room of the Aleandro family in Oxford with Fr Michael presiding.  On June 29, we began to celebrate Great Vespers each Saturday at the Epiphany Episcopal Church in Southbury. On October 13, 1991, our first Liturgy was held in a newly rented store front in Southbury. This store front would serve as our home for the next four years. During this time, Vladimir Aleandro was ordained to the Deaconate and Fr Michael was attached as Priest-in-charge by Bishop Job. In April 1993, Metropolitan Theodosius made a pastoral visit to the Mission. Later that year, Fr Marc Vranes was attached to the Mission and was later assigned the duties of Parish Priest.

In 1995, Deacon Vladimir Aleandro was ordained to the Priesthood by Metropolitan Theodosius and was assigned as Acting Rector. That summer, the Mission received notice that we needed to vacate our premises. While searching for a new home, services were held at St John’s Episcopal Church in Sandy Hook. In late October, guided by the Holy Spirit and through efforts of many parishioners, the Mission relocated to Middle Quarter Mall in Woodbury. In 1996, Metropolitan Theodosius tonsured Anthony Kruge as Reader, and blessed Gregory Curran and Nicholas Aleandro to wear the Sub-Deacon Orarion. The first two icons of our Iconostas, written by Fr Andrew Tregubov, were also blessed by the Metropolitan. In1997, Metropolitan Theodosios tonsured Nicholas Solak as Reader. January 30, 1998, Reader Anthony Kruge was ordained to the Holy Deaconate by His Beatitude at Three Holy Hiearchs Chapel at St Vladimir’s Seminary. In 1999, two beautiful side panels of icons, written by Fr Andrew Tregubov, were added to our Iconostasis. December that year, the Parish was gifted a four acre parcel of land for a new church. In early 2000, the Parish began providing a full compensation package enabling Fr Vladimir to retire from his secular employment effective July 2000.

In 2001, planning for the design and construction of a new permanent church home on the gifted four acre parcel of land in Southbury was begun. Fr Alex Vinogradov was engaged as an architect consultant to lead the parish through a planning phase. A design evolved from this process for a church complex that would accommodate comfortably 150 adults for worship and related fellowship and educational activities. Particular attention was made to making the entire complex handicap accessible by designing everything on one level. By the end of 2001 the process of selecting an architect for the preparation of construction documents was begun. In March of 2002 an architect was selected and the process of detail design and zoning approval was begun. Approval by the required State and Town agencies extended to late 2003. Construction commenced in February 2004 with the selection of a general contractor, and was completed in late August 2004.

On February 2, 2003, John Zarras was ordained to the Holy Deaconate by Metropolitan Herman at Three Holy Heirarchs Chapel at St Vladimir’s Seminary. In November 2003, Bishop Nikon and Fr Michael Koblosh joined us for a very special day. During Divine Liturgy, Gregory Curran was vested a Sub-Deacon. Following Liturgy, we all gathered at the new church site for a beautiful Ground-Breaking Service. Many Clergy from Woodbury and Southbury also attended. Our first services in the new church were celebrated on September 4th and 5th, 2004. Over twelve years have passed since our first Liturgy. Many new families and individuals have joined our community during this time. We have been blessed with a wealth of love and spirituality. We invite you all to join us as we grow. (Be sure to visit our photo gallery.)

P O Box 149
Stockbridge, MA 01550 01550
Phone: 508-764-3222
