священник Даниил Сысоев

"И разумные будут сиять, как светила на тверди, и обратившие многих к правде – как звезды, вовеки, навсегда" (Дан.12:3)

Греческий храм св. вмц. Екатерины (Редондо-Бич)

Греческий храм св. вмц. Екатерины (Редондо-Бич)

The Life of St. Katherine
Katherine was endowed with extraordinary gifts, including striking beauty and a great capacity for learning. She came from a distinguished and learned family and possessed great wealth. Her vast properties and wealth were confiscated later by the state. Katherine was very devout, a genius in absorbing vast amounts of knowledge. She studied what is known today as philology. Greek and Latin, philosophy, oratory, mathematics, poetry and music. She was well-versed in the Christian Truths, and could converse on dogmas on a par with outstanding theologians. Katherine was just 18 when she surprised the philosophers with her knowledge. She devoted herself to learning, rejecting many proposals of marriage from young men of distinguished families. When Katherine was converted to Christianity, she accepted completely all the Truths, practicing them fully in her everyday life. She became a fervent herald of the Christian Truths, and drew many people to Christianity through her example and preaching.

Katherine’s name became famous, challenging the status-quo of King Maxentius. He wanted Katherine to abandon her faith and return to the pagan religion. He asked 50 philosophers and orators of the area to convince Katherine to return to the religion of her fathers. She turned this encounter into a debate, and day after day she won ground, convincing them to accept Christianity, «For by the power of the Spirit she silenced brilliantly the nobility of liars». Instead of converting her to paganism, the religion of her ancestors, the philosophers were converted to Christianity. This infuriated Maxentius, who ordered the philosophers burned at the stake and Katherine thrown in prison and tortured. It is said that when Maxentius was away from Alexandria, his queen — followed by 200 watch guards and soldiers, including officers under the command of Prophyrius — visited Katherine in prison to convince her to relent. Instead the queen came away with admiration for Katherine’s virtues and wisdom.

Prophyrius and his soldiers were so deeply impressed by Katherine’s thoughtful and convincing defense of the Christian faith that they were converted to Christianity, and embraced her with respect. They were all baptized and became Christians. When Maxentius learned of this mass conversion of his officers and solders, he ordered them beheaded. They heard of their fate with courage, being inspired by Katherine from her prison cell. The king was so infuriated by this that he ordered Katherine severely beaten and then tied to a rolling spiked wheel. Katherine miraculously survived this atrocious torture, making King Maxentius even more furious. He then ordered her beheaded, and she died in 307. Katherine’s martyrdom was the result of her constant and persistent confession of faith in the Christian Truths and her confession of Christ as Savior, Whom she invoked and Whose help she had felt throughout her life. She was bestowed with a crown of martyrdom, wisdom and virginity — a triple crown which gives the meaning of the name Katherine.

Katherine’s body was miraculously transferred to an impassable place on the highest peaks of Mt. Sinai. In the year 549, Emperor Justinian founded a monastery on Mt. Sinai, and built a church named The Transfiguration of the Savior. Some 400 years later the monks of the monastery found the body of St. Katherine and placed it in a sepulcher in the katholikon of the monastery, enshrined for veneration. The monks found on the surface of the granite on which her body lay, an impression of the form of her body. After her body was enshrined in the monastery, the monks renamed the church St. Katherine. Thus the official celebration of the monastery takes place on the 25th of November, the nameday of St. Katherine. The monks prepared a monogram for St. Katherine by using the first three letters of her Greek name clustered around a cross in red for her martyrdom and white for her purity. In 1480, a traveler named Monsignor Bernard de Breydenbach, famous as an accurate and conscientious observer, climbed Mt. Sinai to investigate the curious phenomenon of the impression of her body on granite. He wrote, «On the top of this mountain exists a stony place bearing the form of a human body which was worked neither by iron nor by another human instrument, because the stone became soft and wax-like». The highest peak of Mt. Sinai, 2,641 meters high, was named St. Katherine, and has been known over the centuries among the Arabs as Jebel Katerin.

St. Katherine’s shrine has been venerated by the West as well as the East. Her shrine became popularly known through the efforts of a learned monk, Simeon, who in 1027 traveled through Europe asking for donations for the preservation of the monastery. Simeon carried with him relics of St. Katherine for veneration by the people. The monks who accompanied the crusaders returned to Europe with stories of this shrine. St. Katherine’s fame spread to many distinct places. Many churches were dedicated in her name. One of the most famous is the 12th century church of Wisby in Scotland, consisting of 12 high octagonal columns. During the 12th century the Order of the Knights of St. Katherine was founded to protect the monastery on Mt. Sinai and the faithful who fled there to escape the Arabs. Great devotion was directed to her during the Middle Age, notably in France during the Crusades. In Paris, in 1222, was founded the Brotherhood of St. Katherine to care for the sick.

The Philosophical School of Paris proclaimed her as the Patroness of philosophical studies and education. All over Europe the universities celebrated her name as Patroness of Letters, even after the Reformation. Frequently in religious dramas over the centuries St. Katherine was presented as the ideal of virginity and wisdom. Her personality was the subject of literature and the object of art by well-known artists. The Church celebrates her feast day November 25.

Following are the Troparion and Kontakion hymns of St. Katherine:
«O Jesus, your Lamb Katherine cries out to You with great love: ÔO my Bridegroom, I long for You in great pain, I am crucified with You, and in baptism I am buried with You. I suffer for Your sake in order to reign with You, I die for You in order to live in You. Accept me as an immaculate victim, since I am immolated for Your love’. Through her intercession, O Merciful One, save our souls!»

«All of us who love to honor the martyrs, let us form a great choir and praise the most wise Katherine, for she preached Christ and trampled the serpent, despising the art of orators».

The Monastery of Mt. Sinai was erected by Justinian I in 549 where tradition says is the site of the bush of Moses. Justinian built a castle around the monastery in 530, for the protection of the monks of the vicinity. The one mountain peak of Mt. Sinai is 5,014 feet above sea level, and is surrounded by massive granite walls. It is, as it were, a fortress. Many devout Christians from many countries, before and after the Crusades, bequeathed their riches and lands to the monastery. The monastery has survived the rebellions of the Mohammedans, for Mohammed himself recommended that the Arabs respect the monks and not to commit violence against the monastery. The monastery is headed by an archbishop whom the Patriarch of Jerusalem consecrates.

The Monastery of Mt. Sinai enjoys the distinction of being the smallest self-governed (autocephalous) Church of Orthodoxy. The monastery is famous for its rich Christian manuscripts and ancient icons. Most noted manuscript of the monastery is the Codex Sinaiticus, the most ancient manuscript of the Greek Bible, dating back to the third century. A fascinating and intriguing story of adventure is attributed to this manuscript. A noted Berman scholar, Constantine Tischendorf, in 1844 was shown this ancient manuscript by a monk of the monastery. After doubtful negotiations, the ancient manuscript was secretly sold to Czar Peter of Russia. The Soviet Government in 1933 sold it to the Trustees of the British Museum. This Codex later influenced the text of the Revised Version of the New Testament of 1881. Recently an American University microfilmed most of the valuable manuscripts of the monastery. The history of the monastery of St. Katherine has been famous not only as a shrine but also for its ancient and valuable manuscripts.
