священник Даниил Сысоев

"И разумные будут сиять, как светила на тверди, и обратившие многих к правде – как звезды, вовеки, навсегда" (Дан.12:3)

English new book of our publishing house (July 2016)

In July, we launched eight books in English priest Daniil Sysoev. Among such as «Homilies», «Questions to priest Daniel Sysoev»,  «Why Do Believers Quarrel?», «What is a Spiritual Father?» , «To Marry or Not to Marry?», «What is the Priest to Live On?» and others. All books are the vultures of the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church are beautifully decorated and illustrated.

In July, we launched eight books in English priest Daniil Sysoev. Among such as «Homilies», «Questions to priest Daniel Sysoev»,  «Why Do Believers Quarrel?», «What is a Spiritual Father?» , «To Marry or Not to Marry?», «What is the Priest to Live On?» and others. All books are the vultures of the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church are beautifully decorated and illustrated.

1. «Why Do Believers Quarrel?» Priest Daniel Sysoev (a look at the store’s website)

01 believersHow can one avoid divisions in the Church while attuning the mind and heart to unity in Christ? Grace is to be sought from God, not from men. Can Christ really be divided? If Christ cannot be divided, how can His Body — the Church — be divided? This book shows how quarrels are caused by vainglory, and points out the terrible consequences of man-worship in the Church fuels quarrels, and man-worship in the Church leads to terrible consequences.

РB 15-505-0293
ISBN 978-5-4279-0061-6
70х100/32 (115х165 mm)
Offset paper
Integral cover
224 pp.


2. «What is a Spiritual Father?» Priest Daniel Sysoev (a look at the store’s website)

02 spiritualWhat is true spiritual fatherhood? How can one tell a pastor from a hireling? This book contains advice tothose seeking a spiritual father — one who will care for them spiritually, working to ensure that Christ is born in their hearts.

РB 15-505-0293
ISBN 978-5-4279-0061-6
70х100/32 (115х165 mm)
Offset paper
Integral cover
144 pp.



3. «To Marry or Not to Marry?» Priest Daniel Sysoev (a look at the store’s website)

03 marryTo be or not to be — is this indeed the question? The apostle calls all equally to pure, chaste love in Christ and to life in God. This book provides points of reference for choosing your path of life.

РB 15-505-0293
ISBN 978-5-4279-0061-6
70х100/32 (115х165 mm)
Offset paper
Integral cover
160 pp.




4. «What is the Priest to Live On?» Priest Daniel Sysoev (a look at the store’s website)

04 live onA common point of contention in society is that of supporting the clergy and the temple financially. Frequently one hears the opinion that the Church should provide everything completely free of charge, taking no money for anything from candles to private services, and that the priests themselves should ideally support themselves by working outside jobs. What is the proper response to this opinion? The answers to this and other questions are found in this book.

РB 15-505-0293
ISBN 978-5-4279-0061-6
70х100/32 (115х165 mm)
Offset paper
Integral cover
160 pp.


5. «Women in the Church: Submission or Equality?» Priest Daniel Sysoev (a look at the store’s website)

05 womenIs there any point in submission without love? What is God’s plan for the submission of wives to their husbands? And Who is the head of the husband? The apostle Paul teaches that Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and the head of the family. In the family the husband learns from Christ, and the pious wife gladly obeys this kind of husband. Is this how it is in our own families? This book is dedicated to all those who seek the ideal of a happy family life.

РB 15-505-0293
ISBN 978-5-4279-0061-6
70х100/32 (115х165 mm)
Offset paper
Integral cover
112 pp.


6. «What Gifts Should We Ask of God?» Priest Daniel Sysoev (a look at the store’s website)

06 ask of GodIn society it is customary to enthuse over people’s talents and to discuss the achievements of the gifted. But what are spiritual gifts, and how many of these gifts can a person possess? Why strive for spiritual gifts, and which gift is the most important? In these talks by Priest Daniel Sysoev you will learn about the Giver of gifts and the perfection to which God summons a person.

РB 15-505-0293
ISBN 978-5-4279-0061-6
70х100/32 (115х165 mm)
Offset paper
Integral cover
224 pp.



7. «Homilies». Priest Daniel Sysoev (a look at the store’s website)

07 homiliesThe gift of eloquence is not given to everyone, and there are very few who have mastered the art of producing a homily that nourishes the mind of the listener and fi lls him with divine truth. This book is composed of the homilies given by Priest Daniel Sysoev in the church of the apostle Thomas. In reading these homilies fi lled with the spirit of joy, the reader will feel himself in the presence of a pastor who with all his strength preached to people the word of God, eternal and vital for all times.

РB 10-14-1354
ISBN 978-5-4279-0003-4
70х100/32 (115х165 mm)
Offset paper
Integral cover
288 pp.


8. «Questions to priest Daniel Sysoev» (a look at the store’s website)

08 questionsOn our spiritual journey, how often do we fi nd ourselves in need of a timely answer to this or that question that is troubling our soul. We believe that if we pray to God before asking advice from a priest, the Lord will give us the right answer by way of His servant. This book is comprised of answers to questions posed to Father Daniel during talks devoted to the explanation of the Bible. Father Daniel gives clear, logical answers to questions of a most interesting and vital nature.

PB 11-116-1697
ISBN 978-5-4279-0067-8
70х100/32 (115х165 mm)
Offset paper
Integral cover
208 pp.

July 4, 2016
A source: Daniel Sysoev Inc.